i journaled this one several times in pen an paper. there are so many ways i can go with words and my writing. so i will pick one. i remember, i was …
daily photo
{day 013 project365 2019… take a look around}
he walked down the street staring at his feet thinking, "there is nothing to see! why did i come here? there is nothing to see!" i was across the …
{day 012 project365 2019… examine the fruit}
i said i wanted to be like him, but He said, "Be careful of what you say you want! Do you know him? Have you met him? Did you spend time with him? …
{day 011 project365 2019… begin by descending}
Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility. ~~Saint Augustine . i …
{day 010 project365 2019… pen snob}
i decided to experiment with sticking with one kind of paper and a certain type of pen. it all started because i liked the was the pen wrote and i …
{day 009 project365 2019… soft pink}
i had worn it several times and it was fun to pay with not itchy like all the others. so i made the time to go in close and look at the details of the …
{day 008 project365 2019… tinsel and bow}
she asked us to take our snacks and grab an open seat at the table. we only have the room until 9pm. when we finished the meeting with a little time …
{day 007 project365 2019… something about a bath}
i thought my time would be more efficiently used if i did not have to take a bath. however, i am constantly amazed at how refreshed i feel after a …
{day 006 project365 2019… lichen fascination}
it really looks to me like the relief and topology of some mountainous terrain. however, it is not but simply the details of the lichen on a tree in …
{day 005 project365 2019… journaling}
i have always journaled. i started journaling as a way to keep track of ideas and events. i did not realize until i learned from Jane Johnson that …
{day 004 project365 2019… making waves}
to have integrity means to follow what you believe in all circumstances. integrity is defined who you are when no one is watching. in integrity you do …
{day 003 project365 2019… adjusting the dials}
i was thinking, "what if life worked the way electronics worked? wouldn't that be great? i really could adjust everything to suit me and my …
{day 002 project365 2019… a year of adventures?}
she gave me this gift, it was a surprise. she knows me. she knows that i like planners and journals. the words: "a year of adventures" really stuck …
{day 001 project365 2019… clean up on aisle…}
at the start of the new year, do you feel like your life should be spick and span? do you think, like i do, "my life should be together by now?" …